Book – Tips For Exhibiting in Flower Shows
Tips for Exhibiting in Flower Shows was first published in 1970 and has been updated several times over the years. This new edition was initiated and completed to coincide with The Garden Club of America's Centennial at the 2013 Annual Meeting. An invaluable resorce for exhibitors in floral design, horticulture, botanical arts and photography it was expanded to 120 pages.
It also includes GCA point scoring scales for horticulture and floral design and descriptions of more specific plant types. Whether one is interested in horticulture, floral design, photography or botanical arts, "Tips for Exhibiting in Flower Shows" can take you to the next level of exhibiting.
It is a publication of the Philadelphia Committee of GCA (PCGCA). Proceeds from the book benefit projects for not-for-profit organizations throughout Philadelphia that seek to improve the lives of Philadelphians through avenues of horticulture.
Purchase a Copy
Please email OrderRequest to : tipsforexhibiting2013@gmail.com
Cost: $10.00, no shipping charges.
Pay with a check“PCGCA” and mail to:
Tips for Exhibiting in Flower Shows
1337 Nathan Hale Drive
Phoenixville, PA 19460
To pay with credit card, use the “Donate” PayPal link below.
Orders of 10 or more a 10% discount will be given