Magnolia Tribute Garden Work Days
Work Days
All Dates below are from 10AM to NOON
Wed. October 23,2024 - Providence GC, The Planters, Wissahickon GC
Wed. April 23, 2025 - Huntingdon Valley GC, The Garden Workers, The Weeders GC
Wed. May 22, 2025 - The Garden Workers, West Chester GC, Four Counties GC, GC of Philadelphia
Magnolia Tribute Garden
The Magnolia Tribute Garden, on the south side of Locust Street between 4th and 5th Streets, was donated by the Garden Club of America in honor of the founders of our nation and dedicated in May 1959. George Washington's expressed interest in magnolia trees inspired this garden. Around its walled perimeter are 13 early spring blooming hybrid magnolias suitable for northern climates. They represent the 13 original colonies. Enclosed by wrought iron fences and gates, the plantings include Saucer Magnolias, Narcissus Snow Azaleas, Honey Locusts, Cottonasters. There is a central feature of a fountain as well as a wall fountain where the dedication plaque can be viewed. In honor of 100th anniversary of the National Park System, The Philadelphia Committee of the Garden Club of America restored the garden for the enjoyment of generations to come.