The Board of the Philadelphia Committee is composed of members from the ten Garden Club of America garden clubs in the Philadelphia area. Each club has three delegates: the club president along with two delegates, one of whom is the liaison to the Fertilizer Fund grant program. All officers of the board must be delegates from their respective club. There are 30 voting members on the board who decide what projects are worthy of funds and how much is to be distributed to that project.
The present chair of the Philadelphia Committee of The Garden Club of America is Sarah Andrews.
Chairman: Sarah Andrews
Wissahickon Garden Club
First Vice Co-Chair: Diane Drinker
Wissahickon Garden Club
First Vice Co-Chair: Susie Leonard
The Providence Garden Club
Second Vice Co-Chair: Carolyn Adams
Wissahickon Garden Club
Second Vice Co-Chair: Susanne Hay
The Garden Workers
Third Vice Co Chair: Nancy Van Orman
West Chester Garden Club
Third Vice Co-Chair: Gail Warner-Lidondici
West Chester Garden Club
Co-Recording Secretary: Holly Porter
Providence Garden Club
Co-Recording Secretary: Caitlyn Pickens
Four Counties
Corresponding Secretary: Sarah Ghantous
Huntingdon Valley Garden Club
Treasurer: Binney McCague
The Gardeners