Peg Dilks was one of the founding members of The Philadelphia Committee. To honor her memory, the Peg Dilks Award was established in 1999 and has been awarded annually to a particularly worthy project whose execution clearly exemplifies the Committee's mission of improving the quality of life for the citizens of Philadelphia through horticulture and a project Mrs. Dilks would have approved. In honor of the 50th Anniversary of PCGCA, Mrs. Dilks' descendants donated $10,000 in her memory so the award would include a financial prize. The amount of the annual award is at the discretion of the Board.
2019- award presented to John Bartram’s Garden
2024 Peg Dilks Award
The 2024 Peg Dilks Award was presented to The Philadelphia Orchard Project in recognition of their efforts to build orchards in neighborhoods throughout the City enabling access to fresh fruits to communities which have limited access to fresh food and for the education and the community engagement which are also products of the orchard creation.
These programs fulfill the mission of tThe Philadelphia Cmmittee to improve through horticulture, the quality of the life for the citizens of the City of Philadelphia.
2023 Peg Dilks Award
2023 Peg Dilks Award
2023 Peg Dilks Award was given to the Norris Square Neighborhood Project in recognition of their community gardens and cultural vision, which provide horticultural education to produce culturally important food, and intergenerational community building for the Puerto Rican and Latinx community in their Kensington neighborhood.
2022 Peg Dilks Award
The 2022 Peg Dilks Award was awarded to Historic Fair Hill in recognition of their Gear Up and Green Project, addressing neighborhood food deserts and food insecurity, as well as for their efforts to become a Level I Arboretum.
2021 Peg Dilks Award
The 2021 Peg Dilks Award was presented at the PCGCA June Annual Meeting to the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society for their City Harvest and Community Garden initiative to address neighborhood food deserts and food insecurity.
2020 Peg Dilks Award
The 2020 Peg Dilks Award was presented on June 17, 2020 to The Magnolia Tribute Garden. Due to the Pandemic, the award could not be presented in person. The award will be used to help replace some trees in this heavily used, intercity oasis which is part of the Independence National Historical Park.